Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 712

Chapter 712


Sabrina smiled at the Little girl.

Aunt Sabrina, Jennie called out after a while. es?

Do you think youll have a boyfriend one day? the little girl asked, tilting her head.

Jennies mature questions left Sabrina astonished.

Hmm Im not sure, responded Sabrina.

Why dont you Like Uncle Tyrone? Hes handsome, in shape, and rich.

As they stepped out of the elevator, Sabrina smiled in response to Jennies candid inquiry.

Sighing softly, Sabrina said, Its not just about those things, Jennie. There are many men Like him, but I cant fall in love with all of them, can 1?

There were construction workers in the apartment busy renovating the study, so she didnt Lock the door when she left.

Bending down, Sabrina said earnestly, As you grow up, remember not to like someone solely for their looks or wealth. Good character and personality are what truly matter.

Jennie nodded in understanding. But if you didnt like Uncle Tyrone, why did you marry him?

Its a bit complicated, Jennie. I cant quite put it into words.

Sabrina decided to drop the subject. By the way, arent you curious about the kitten? I11 call Bun over.

Sure, Jennie agreed, and she glanced around. Seeing the workers busy, she asked, What are they doing?

Theyre renovating the apartment, and its too noisy in the living room. Lets head to my room, where the kitten is.

Hand in hand, they entered Sabrinas bedroom.

Sensing Jennies disappointment, Sabrina offered some words of comfort: Remember, its Buns first time meeting you. Give her some time to get used to you. You can come by more often. Im sure itll warm up to you in no time.

Jennies disappointment turned into renewed enthusiasm as she declared, I want to come back and play with Bun tomorrow!

The two of them played with the cat for a while.

Then Sabrina suggested, Jennie, since its your first time to come to Mathias, Let me show you the city. I just got a new camera yesterday, and we can take some pictures together.

Jennie eagerly agreed. Then Sabrina grabbed her car keys, and they left.

